
From Gandhara (Wife of Dhritarastra, she blindfold herself after the marriage.) (The blind son of Vyasa, born to Ambika. Elder brother of Pandu. He became king in Hastinapur after Pandu retired to the forest.)

Baby Boy names starting with : Da De Di Do Du Dh Dha Dhe Dhi Dho Dhu Dr Dra Dri Dro Dru

Meaning of name Dhritarastra - From Gandhara (Wife of Dhritarastra, she blindfold herself after the marriage.) (The blind son of Vyasa, born to Ambika. Elder brother of Pandu. He became king in Hastinapur after Pandu retired to the forest.). Currently we have thousand of Baby Boy Names A to Z with meaning. Know Similar Names and Variant Names for name Dhritarastra