
One who has taken a terrible vow, Son of Santanu by Ganga in Mahabharat (Son of Shantanu and Ganga, known as the "grandfather" of the Kurus. Although he never became king, he officiated at Hastinapur as regent until Vichitravirya was of age.)

Baby Boy names starting with : Ba Be Bi Bo Bu Bh Bha Bhe Bhi Bho Bhu Br Bra Bri

Meaning of name Bhisma - One who has taken a terrible vow, Son of Santanu by Ganga in Mahabharat (Son of Shantanu and Ganga, known as the "grandfather" of the Kurus. Although he never became king, he officiated at Hastinapur as regent until Vichitravirya was of age.). Currently we have thousand of Baby Boy Names A to Z with meaning. Know Similar Names and Variant Names for name Bhisma